Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fairy Tale News

Your task today is to begin designing your page layout for your FairyTale News. Your tasks are as follows.
  • Open Pages
  • Select a layout from the Newsletters templates
OR Create your own template using the tutorials on Atomic Learning
  • Begin customizing the template for your fairy tale. (adjust fonts and object colors)
  • Locate images to complement your story.
  • Use alpha in Keynote (if necessary) to create your images/scenes.
When you finish, continue with the task list from Tuesday.

20 Questions

20 Questions

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Wanted Poster/Work Days

Today and tomorrow you will have the opportunity to finish up some of the projects that have been accumulating the past few weeks. We need to tie up some loose ends before we introduce anything new. You will also be meeting individually with Mr. Madson to go through your current grade and identify any missing assignments. Click on the link below for a checklist of current tasks to accomplish.

Task List

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wanted Poster Options

I have decided to allow students to also use Pages as a tool for creating their Wanted Poster. Remember, you can copy/paste text from Comic Life into Pages. Choose the tool you feel will best accomplish the task and create a unique, creative product. With that said there are a few requirements.

  • Your paragraph text must be black text on a white background.
  • Your paragraph font must be readable.
  • You must include the URLs of any images from the internet.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Wanted Poster

Today you will begin designing your Wanted Poster. You may copy the your text into Comic Life. Any editing changes from Mr. Pudas may be made in Comic Life. Remember, your URLs for any images must be included and take your time to be creative with your design. Positive/negative space, readability and layout are important elements to consider.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wanted Poster

Your task today is to type up your Wanted Poster. You may use Pages, Word, NeoOffice or Google Docs. When you are finished, please print out to bring to Language Arts on Thursday. When you finish, you should continue work on your Name Poem or your Scratch is Going Green project.

Tuesday, January 20

Inauguration Day 2009

Today, I am
here and you are here. Your task today will be to complete the name poem document we started last week. If you finish early, you may continue to work on your Scratch is Going Green procject.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Name Poems/Fonts

We're going to put Scratch on hold for a bit while we prepare for next week. Today's activity deals with working with fonts. Choosing the right font for the job can have a profound effect on your overall message.

Your first task is to download the fonts_activity file from the 2014 Public Folder/Digital Literacy.

Next, we will be choosing creative fonts to publish your name poems with either Pages or Comic Life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


We have two tasks for today.

  1. Learning about Weebly, a website building tool you may use for your History Day project.
  2. Completing your Scratch is Going Green Project Proposal.
Scratch Project Proposals

Note : if you need an idea for your Scratch project, this website is an excellent resource.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Once you complete your Scratch To Do List, you will begin working on a project proposal for your Scratch is Going Green project. The goal of the project is to use Scratch to create an interactive story promoting environmental awareness. This proposal should be presented to Mr. Madson for approval before you commence work on the project. Below are some links to get you started.

Start Here

Friday, January 9, 2009

How To Presentations

Today, we begin our How To presentations. Your completed project should be turned in to the 2014 Drop Box/Digital Literacy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bike/Llama Tour Due Today

For some of you, today is a day to access the panic button. Your Bike/Llama tour project is due TODAY. Mr. Shack and I will be checking the 2014 Drop Box at the end of the day. When you are finished, you should begin working on your How To presentation.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How To ...

Tasks for the day include the following.

  1. Type to Learn (10 mn)
  2. Complete your Bike/Llama Tour
  3. Turn in your Bike/Llama Tour to 2014 Drop Box/Math
  • turn in both the completed spreadsheet and the brochure
  • check the example brochure to ensure you have your brochure correctly designed

Meet Henry
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: meet henry)

Death by PowerPoint
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: tips powerpoint)

Begin designing your How To Presentation

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome Back/Wanted Poster Prep

Welcome back from Winter Break. We will begin preparation today for your Wanted Poster project. You will be using the alpha tool to remove the background from a photo. The tutorial for the video is here.

The photos you will use for this project are found in the 2014 Public Folder.

Also, we are working on putting together a shared map of our travels over winter break. Go here to access the map.

username : rockforddiglit
password : rockford